16 Personalities

16 Personalities

Meanings of the 16 MBTI personalities

What are the meanings of the 16 MBTI personalities? Purple Group: Rational “Analysts”Analysts are generally sensible and fair–minded, and are especially good at debates and science and technology that require a lot of brain power.They are independent, open-minded, strong-willed and imaginative, practical in their approach, and more interested in results than in making everyone happy.These […]

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Introduction to the four dimensions of MBTI (E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P)

After completing the MBTI Type 16 personality test, people often ask: What do those mysterious acronyms mean? Below, we will assess your personality type in detail through the following four dimensions. Energy Acquisition (I) Introvert & (E) Extrovert E/I shows how we get our energy, whether by interacting with people or by being alone, which

Introduction to the four dimensions of MBTI (E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P) Read More »